Friday, April 25, 2008


Discussing Cixous' essay, my roomate and I mulled over her overtly sexual language. My roomate, a film major, brought up the fact that Hollywood was going through a sexual revolution as an organization and within the entertainment industry as a whole. One such film that tried to challenge or address the issue of feminism is "The Stepford Wives". This movie reveals a masculine obsession with dominance and the protection of their "manhood" and masculinity. The main character who tries to figure out this process ends up running into opposition and finds the mechanical ways in which these "women" are controlled. These themes had not been discussed quite so frankly as when women's issues became a forefront of the cultural and entertainment spectrum.
If on eis offended by her sexual lingo and analogies, remeber the time period surrounding the essay is one of breaking out and breaking free.

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